March Editorial

For the people's victory!

Another election to be faced by our people is forthcoming. It is the postponed election for 5 provincial councils. The terrorized experience we had at Wyamba has forced us to see the depths of the reality regarding the next elections.

Now the political parties of various category pleads the voters to make sure they get the best preference vote. Candidates of various categories too come up with various reasons to make people ensure their victory. They are smiling and begging the preference vote in colorfully printed posters pasted on the walls. Those who engaged violence scoring in higher ranks are now pleading for the preference vote to launch a "gentleman politics". We hope now our people are facing a big problem. That is "To whom are we to vote ?"

Within the past 50 years people of our country has voted different political parties and different political images to ensure their victory. During this 50 years United National Party (UNP) has ruled 30 years and Sri Lanka Freedom Party /People’s Alliance (SLFP/PA) has ruled for more than 20 years. That was the result of their various election victories within that 50 years. But ultimately it is clear that the people, who voted them, are defeated by each of those victories during last 50 years. Why this happened ? To whom in our history, have we given the victory banner ? It is the proper time to reconsider this question. It is easy to understand that we have given those victories to the parties those had the intention of protecting capitalists and to the persons who made a living out of parliament ticket. So now the time has come to think about a way to ensure the people’s victory !

If electing the false representatives those who served themselves created that miserable fate of people; it is the high time to change that political path. If the parties only worked for the capitalists now we have a chance to change that as a beginning. It is the best opportunity to express the people’s intentions to elect a party that works for the welfare of the people themselves.

If there was not in history but now there is a political party that engages striding on in such a political path. That movement, which has members who sacrificed even their life for the people’s goodwill, deserves such an immense victory that never given to the other parties and rogues in the guise of public servants. None can deny the credit that People’s Liberation Front (JVP) earned during its desperate history fighting for the victory of people’s intentions.

Furthermore the discipline it maintained during the cursed polls plunder by the PA govt. is unequivalent. Now the people of Sri Lanka are aware of this truth and they are having the determinations to elect such a disciplined political movement. And we do hope that it is the best decision to be taken by the people of those 5 provinces in the forthcoming provincial council polls, to decide it with genuine freshness.